Enjoy music together with your family.

We believe that you should be able to enjoy professional performances together with your little ones. We bring you classical music concerts you can attend with children from babies to school age kids.


What to bring with you?

What you can bring with you so that everyone in the audience can enjoy the music?

Small children can’t keep still and quietly listen for 45 minutes, of course. That is no problem at all at our events as we are well prepared for it. Here are some tips from our community to help you and your children have a good time.


We sit on the floor at our concerts to allow kids freedom of movement. There are also always a few chairs available.

Quiet toys

If your kids like to have their hands busy, feel free to bring their favorite toys. Something to build, draw with or a beloved plush toy – anything not too loud that will help them focus their attention.


It is not easy to appreciate art on an empty stomach as our kids are always quick to remind us. Therefore, snacks and coffee are welcome at most of our events. You can sip your favorite brew while listening to the concert and share a home prepared snack with your children or grab a bite of something at the local café.


Who are we?

We are Vanda and Helena – two friends who met in high school and share a deep love of art and wish to live an active life. When we both found ourselves taking maternity leave, plans for Filharmoniště started to take shape.

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How it all began?

When in 2018 we – two moms with three kids combined – found ourselves stuck at home we quickly started to miss cultural events we used to enjoy but our kinds were too small to attend with us. And that is how we thought of the Filharmoniště project.

Why classical music?

Classical music knows no limits – it can be appreciated by anyone regardless of their age or the language they speak. We immediately knew it was a perfect fit for our project and so we set out to organize our first concert. It was quickly sold out and we realized we could include other genres and programming for older children. 

What is next for us?

We are currently aiming to bring Filharmoniště from Prague to other cities in the Czech Republic. Our programming usually takes place in castles or cultural centers you can visit. It is also possible to organize programming in schools or kindergartens.

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Filharmoniště at you place?

As our own children grow older, we add programming for school age kids and broaden our selection of programming by experimenting with different formats and genres. With focus on accessibility in mind, we try to keep up with our desire to bring classical music to all audiences.

You can choose from our programming selection or you can contact us and together we will surely find an event format that best suits you.


Kindergarten and School Programs

Adding to the fun for kids and information about the tools
and music, without compromising the professionalism of the musicians.


Festival Programs

We can also offer any of our programmes for other organisers on a turnkey basis. Are you organising a festival with a children's audience? A corporate event for the whole family? Contact us.


Contact us.

Do you have questions, ideas, suggestions? We look forward to hearing from you.

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(vedený u Městského soudu v Praze,
pod spisovou značkou L 72868)